Change in ATAN Behavior

QUESTION: Yikes! Did the behavior of ATAN change recently? In IDL 5.4 I could do this:

   IDL> Print, ATAN(Complex(4,4))

When I try this in IDL 5.6, I get this:

   IDL> Print, ATAN(Complex(4,4))
        (1.44452,     0.123674)

To make it print correctly, I have to use the new Phase keyword in IDL 5.6:

   IDL> Print, ATAN(Complex(4,4), /Phase)

That's not exactly backward compatible, is it? How do I handle this in my code so that it can work in multiple versions of IDL?

ANSWER: Oh, dear. This behavior actually changed in IDL 5.5, where you have this result:

   IDL> Print, ATAN(Complex(4,4))
        (1.44452,     0.123674)
   IDL> Print, ATAN(Complex(4,4), /Phase)
        % Keyword PHASE not allowed in call to: ATAN
   IDL> Print, ATAN(4,4)

In practice, this means that you have to write three different ATAN calls for the three different versions of IDL to get the same results.

You might have to write something like this to keep things compatible.


       On_Error, 2
	 ; Argument must be complex or double complex.

       s = Size(complexNum)
       numType = s(s(0) + 1)
       CASE numType OF
          6L: BEGIN
               realpart = Float(complexNum)
               imgpart = Imaginary(complexNum)
          9L: BEGIN
               realpart = Double(complexNum)
               imgpart = Imaginary(complexNum)
	       ELSE: Message, 'Argument must be a complex number.'

	 ; For versions 5.5 and lower, use two-value ATAN call. Have to 
	 ; execute 5.6 version to get it to compile in IDL 5.4 and lower.

       returnValue = 0.0
       version = Float(!VERSION.Release)
       IF(version LE 5.5) THEN returnValue = ATAN(imgpart, realpart) $
           ELSE returnValue = Call_Function('ATAN', complexNum, /Phase)
       RETURN, returnValue

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