Coyote's Guide to IDL Programming

Multiple Map Projections

QUESTION: How come !P.Multi doesn't work with map projections?

ANSWER: It does! To make !P.Multi work with multiple map projections, you have to use the Advance keyword with Map_Set to advance to the next !P.Multi position. The code will look like this:

   IDL> !P.Multi=[0,2,2]
   IDL> Map_Set, /Cylindrical, /Continents
   IDL> Map_Set, /Cylindrical, /Continents, /Advance
   IDL> Map_Set, /Cylindrical, /Continents, /Advance
   IDL> Map_Set, /Cylindrical, /Continents, /Advance

This will work either on the display on in PostScript output.

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