Fanning Software Consulting

Modifying IDL Combobox Widgets

QUESTION: I have an editable combobox widget, with the drop-down filled with standard values. But I would like to be able to add the user-supplied value to this list, so it is available to the user subsequently. Is there a way to do this?

ANSWER: You can use the GET_VALUE and SET_VALUE keywords to Widget_Control for this purpose. You get the current list of selections as a string array from the combobox widget, add your new value to the list, then set the list back as the new value of the combobox. Here is an example program that allows you to add different animal names to a combobox widget. Any animal that the user types in the widget is added to the combobox list, if it is not currently already there.

   PRO ComboWidgetTest_Event, event      IF event.index EQ -1 THEN BEGIN
       Widget_Control,, GET_VALUE=currentList
       i = Where(StrUpCase(currentList) EQ StrUpCase(event.str), count)
       IF count EQ 0 THEN BEGIN           newList = [currentList, event.str]
          Widget_Control,, SET_VALUE=newList
          Widget_Control,, SET_COMBOBOX_SELECT=N_Elements(newList)-1
       ENDIF      ENDIF
   END ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
   PRO ComboWidgetTest      tlb = Widget_Base(/COLUMN, XOFFSET=150, YOFFSET=150)
     combo = Widget_Combobox(tlb, VALUE=['dog', 'cow', 'coyote'], $
          /EDIT, SCR_XSIZE=100)      Widget_Control, tlb, /REALIZE
     XManager, 'combowidgettest', tlb, /NO_BLOCK
   END ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------

QUESTION: Well, sure, but what I was really hoping for is to put a value into the edit box of combobox widget, without changing the the values in the drop-down list. And ideas about that?

ANSWER: Oh, my goodness. Well, we just need to exercise a bit more creativity. How about this program modification. In this new program, you can pass in a value that you would like to see in the combobox widget, but it doesn't persist in the pull-down menu.

   PRO ComboWidgetTest2_Event, event
     Widget_Control,, GET_UVALUE=defaultList
     IF event.index EQ -1 THEN BEGIN
       i = Where(StrUpCase(defaultList) EQ StrUpCase(event.str), count)
       IF count EQ 0 THEN BEGIN           newList = [defaultList, event.str]
          Widget_Control,, SET_VALUE=newList
          Widget_Control,, SET_COMBOBOX_SELECT=N_Elements(newList)-1
       IF event.index EQ N_Elements(defaultList) THEN RETURN
       Widget_Control,, SET_VALUE=defaultList
       Widget_Control,, SET_COMBOBOX_SELECT=event.index      ENDELSE
   END ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
   PRO ComboWidgetTest2, newValue
     IF N_Elements(newValue) EQ 0 THEN newValue = 'pig'
     tlb = Widget_Base(/COLUMN, XOFFSET=150, YOFFSET=150)
     defaultValues = ['dog', 'cow', 'coyote']
     combo = Widget_Combobox(tlb, VALUE=[defaultValues, newValue], $
          /EDIT, SCR_XSIZE=100, UVALUE=defaultValues)
     Widget_Control, tlb, /REALIZE
     Widget_Control, combo, Set_Combobox_Select = 3
     XManager, 'combowidgettest2', tlb, /NO_BLOCK
   END ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------

Version of IDL used to prepare this article: IDL 7.0.3.

Web Coyote's Guide to IDL Programming