Fanning Software Consulting

Graphics Symbols By Name

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QUESTION: I love your cgSymCat program and the forty some graphics symbols I can use on my graphics plots. But, I can never remember which index number refers to which symbol. Can't I just ask for a plotting symbol by giving a symbol name?

ANSWER: Yes, now you can. A recent update to the Coyote Graphics routine cgSymCat allows you to ask for a plotting symbol by name. To obtain a list of symbol names, type this.

   IDL> Print, Transpose(cgSymCat(/Names))

All the Coyote Graphics routines have been updated so you can use symbol names with the normal PSym keyword. (See the figure below.)

   IDL> cgPlot, cgDemoData(1), PSym='star', SymSize=2.0
Symbol names can be used with PSYM keywords.
Symbol names can be used with PSYM keywords.

It is even possible to connect symbols by using a minus sign in the symbol name.

   IDL> cgPlot, cgDemoData(1), PSym='-star', SymSize=2.0
To connect symbols, use a minus sign in the symbol name
To connect symbols, use a minus sign in the symbol name.

Version of IDL used to prepare this article: IDL 7.1.2.

Written: 30 July 2012