Fanning Software Consulting

Ambiguous Object Syntax Causes Problems

QUESTION: I have object programs that run perfectly in IDL 7.1. They also run perfectly in IDL 8.x., but they produce completely bogus results! Do you have any idea what could have changed in IDL 8.x to cause this kind of problem?

ANSWER: It might well be the ambiguity inherent in the new "dot" syntax for method invocation of IDL objects. JD Smith writes to the IDL newsgroup on May 16, 2011 with an example of how this can occur. Here is his newsgroup article, very lightly edited for content and for presentation.

A few years back, we had long discussions about the trouble the new "dot" syntax for method invocation would bring about. I've just stumbled across a new and unexpected case. Not only does IDL 8 interpret "." as equivalent to "->", in certain uses it also goes the OTHER WAY, recasting "->" as "." and overriding a method invocation with structure variable dereferencing, even when the arrow operator is used. This is a major issue for any pre-existing class which contains a method-function and structure member with identical names, which is quite common.

Consider this simple class.

   pro DOT_ARROW::try
     ;compile_opt idl2
     print,"GOT: ",self->item([1,2,3,4])

   function DOT_ARROW::item, p
     return, size(p,/DIMENSIONS)

   pro dot_arrow__define

We run the program like this.

   IDL> d=obj_new('dot_arrow')
   IDL> d->try
   GOT:  0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000   ;; RUNS without ERROR, but is WRONG!!!

Now with the compiler option idl2 enabled (or in IDL 7):

   IDL> d->try
   GOT: 4  ;; RIGHT!!!

IDL 8 has gone one step further than introducing a new ambiguity between "." and "->" in the name of Python/JS-esque cosmetics, it's completed that ambiguity — essentially enforcing it on us — by making it work both ways. In essence, IDL8 is interpreting:




(no indexing error since you can't go out of bounds with an indexing vector by default). If I say "->", I mean invoke a method, no matter what. However, as new programmers adopt "." for method invocation, this ambiguity will never go away.

And this is not a simple matter of troublesome syntax errors. What's really scary about this is that there are plenty of imaginable cases in which a->b(c) is interpreted by IDL8 in a completely different way from earlier versions of IDL, yet it can run through without error, silently corrupting your output. There is no warning against or detection of the use of identical names for a method-function and a class structure variable.

Chris Torrence noticed this ambiguity could cause trouble while IDL 8 was being designed. I don't recall what the final decision was. But in any case, my understanding was this would be a new ambiguity, affecting new code which uses the dot operator for method invocation. Never was it discussed that IDL 8 would render inoperable (or worse, operable but incorrect) existing, functioning code by re-defining dereferencing post facto. I can scarcely see how this marketing-driven syntax change was worth it.

QUESTION: So if compile_opt idl2 is set in our programs then we are okay? There are several other ambiguities that are fixed by setting compile_opt idl2 and my understanding is that it is sort of de rigueur for IDL analysis.

ANSWER: My understanding is compile_opt idl2 alleviates this particular undesirable feature of the newly ambiguated syntax, though I'm not eager to go back and insert it for thousands of methods, or develop methods to discover potential brokenness. I suppose talk of enabling idl2 by default died off; I'd be in favor of it. It would break old code, but in a well-controlled and presumably well-advertised way.

By the way, this behavior seems to have been introduced in 8.0.1. I believe the short lived IDL 8.0 respected the arrow operator.

I discovered it when attempting to debug a piece of older formerly functioning object code. I set a breakpoint, and tried to step into the relevant function method that was returning nonsense (named, in my case 'Width'). I could never get IDL to step into the method, which I eventually realized was because IDL was parsing the method call:


as the simple array dereference:


In my case, this threw an error, because width was now a two-element vector, and it was supposed to be a scalar. You can imagine many cases in which no error whatsoever is thrown, and, perhaps less commonly, cases where "plausible-but-wrong" values are returned, which, without some diligence, would simply never be discovered.

In principle, IDL could 1) always respect the arrow operator as a method call (in which case only the foolhardy would use ".") and/or 2) detect these conflicts at compile-time or first object-instantiation time, and at least tell the user something useful before arbitrarily picking one interpretation. But neither of those solutions puts the cat back in the bag.

NOTE: Paulo Penteado confirmed that this behavior was introduced in IDL 8.0, but he also pointed out a more obvious (and troubling) manifestation of the problem.

   IDL> a = {b:0, c:1.0}
   IDL> Help, a -> c(0) 
   <Expression>    FLOAT  =   1.00000

He writes:

Since there was never any discussion about using -> for structures, and this only seems to be undesirable, as JD mentioned, to me it looks like a bug. The main argument against making idl2 the default compiler option was to keep compatibility, so this seems unintended. A side effect of some other change to the parser, which went unnoticed.

JD's RESPONSE: In my version of IDL 8.0, your example works, but my example does not. That is to say, self->item([1,2,3,4]) still correctly calls the method in IDL 8.0, but no longer does it in 8.0.1. My take is that IDL 8 introduced the syntax ambiguity ("->" and "." interchangeable), then IDL 8.0.1 reversed the precedence in ambiguous cases, now favoring structure/class variable dereferencing over method calling.

BTW, the documentation mentions this interchangeability in the context of method invocation:

"Beginning with IDL 8.0, you can use the . and -> forms of the operator interchangeably; they are equivalent."

In a sense, this bug cannot be fixed, since it is inherent in the choice to make "." mean two things. Unless idl2 is in force, you simply cannot know what I mean by:


even (in the case of "b" being both a method name and a class variable) at runtime! ITT could certainly patch "->" to avoid breaking old code, but new code will always have this potential for silent brokenness (unless people shun "."). What's interesting is the main concern was putting off new users with meaningless syntax error messages. This example shows a much more problematic issue arises.

One possible fix would be to make array subscripting usage following the "." operator implicitly require brackets "[]". This would break old code like c=a.b(4), but leave intact other uses of parentheses for array indexing. I'd call this a "partial idl2 requirement". It still leaves more than a year's worth of IDL versions in use silently breaking old code.

Just to make it ridiculously obvious to everyone, consider the following code.

   pro Failure::Explode
     prevent=[1b]  ;; Alway prevent the explosion, no matter what!
     if self->Prevent_Explosion(prevent) then $
        print, 'Explosion averted, go in peace.' $
     else print, '!BOOM! Nuclear war initiated.'

   function Failure::Prevent_Explosion, confirm
     return, keyword_set(confirm[0])

   pro failure__define
         prevent_explosion: 0b}

For IDL v5 - v7:

   IDL> f=obj_new('failure')
   IDL> f->Explode
   Explosion averted, go in peace.

For IDL v8:

   IDL> f=obj_new('failure')
   IDL> f->Explode          
   !BOOM! Nuclear war initiated.

PAULO RESPONDS TO JD: This gets confusing easily. If I may expand a bit on JD's example, to compare the dot with the arrow.

   pro Failure::Explode_with_arrow
     prevent=[1b]  ;; Alway prevent the explosion, no matter what!
     if self->Prevent_Explosion(prevent) then $
        print, 'Explosion averted, go in peace.' $
     else print, 'Field used: !BOOM! Nuclear war initiated.'

   pro Failure::Explode_with_dot
     prevent=[1b]  ;; Alway prevent the explosion, no matter what!
     if self.Prevent_Explosion(prevent) then $
        print, 'Explosion averted, go in peace.' $
     else print, 'Field used: !BOOM! Nuclear war initiated.'

   function Failure::Prevent_Explosion, confirm
     print,'Got into the method, instead of using the field'
     return, keyword_set(confirm[0])

   pro failure__define
         prevent_explosion: 0b}

The results are here.

In IDL 7.1.1, which is how things should still be, to keep compatibility with old code:

   IDL> print,!version
      { x86_64 linux unix linux 7.1.1 Aug 21 2009      64      64}
   IDL> f=obj_new('failure')
   IDL> f->explode_with_arrow
      Got into the method, instead of using the field
      Explosion averted, go in peace.
   IDL> f->explode_with_dot
      Field used: !BOOM! Nuclear war initiated.

In 8.0 it is broken one way:

   IDL> print,!version
      { x86_64 linux unix linux 8.0 Jun 18 2010      64      64}
   IDL> f=obj_new('failure')
   IDL> f->explode_with_arrow
      Got into the method, instead of using the field
      Explosion averted, go in peace.
   IDL> f->explode_with_dot
      Got into the method, instead of using the field
      Explosion averted, go in peace.

In 8.1 it is broken the other way:

   IDL> print,!version
      { x86_64 linux unix linux 8.1 Mar  9 2011      64      64}
   IDL> f=obj_new('failure')
   IDL> f->explode_with_arrow
      Field used: !BOOM! Nuclear war initiated.
   IDL> f->explode_with_dot
      Field used: !BOOM! Nuclear war initiated.

So I would say that what needs to be fixed now is only to make the arrow mean, always, method invocation. It should never be accepted for a structure field. The resolution of the ambiguity with the dot got right in 8.1: a field should take precedence over a method.

ITTVIS RESPONDS: This is definitely a bug. As Paulo points out, we already fixed the problem with the "dot". In IDL 8.0.1 and IDL 8.1 the field always takes precedence over the method, unless "compile_opt idl2" is in effect. We did this to preserve backwards compatibility - if you had code that used parentheses, and there was a field with the same name, then IDL will access the field.

However, it looks like the fix went too far and also included the arrow. We'll investigate the bug and let you know what we find.

In the meantime, if you run into this problem, you can add "compile_opt idl2" to resolve the ambiguity.

Version of IDL used to prepare this article: IDL 8.1.

Written: 16 May 2011
Updated: 17 May 2011